Yes, yes indeed it looks like it may be that way! So I've been home for the extended weekend, a nice one of which concerns banks having a holiday, isn't that great. Surely the world would break down if every single bank had a day off? Maybe that's what went wrong with the so-called economic crisis, managers gave themselves a raise and CEO's a huge bonus and had a day off. Nevermind that rubbish though, on with the show.
So this extened weekend, I've had time to mellow over my final idea, looking to see if there's anything else I would enjoy working on or instead of. I started doodling in my small sketchbook and suddenly thought of an idea I already had: a story. It was only a few sentences and a bit of runic research but it was enough to spur me onto a big thought process. I spent these days just going over other story ideas and what twists I could link into my story. Below are some images of my sketches during the weekend and also some story sketchwork (I don't want to give too much away):
This image below is the start of my sketchbook, what's written here is the ancient runes that will be translated into the now-in-use language of that world (when I figure it out) and then translated into English.
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