So there's now been plenty of time for me to think of the story line, and work that I will do, so; here's my brief (reviewed): To create a design bible for a fantasy/ action and adventure
game that concentrates heavily upon story, based on the idea of 'great' games today
that are the bestsellers; having a compelling and oftentimes intrinsic storyline, solely
concentrating upon the single-player side.
From this I made a plan, which I hope to stick to for the right time-management. I've created quick rough sketches of different maps while researching the maps of Earth and how it was formed and where certain places occur (for example volcanoes, mountains, forests etc etc. From here I created a rough map of the world that our hero would traverese and become to know well, and then made the final map:
As for working out the storyline I wanted it to be something original and new, so I read
the presis of many good fantasy books to get a good grip of where I wanted to go with
the story. After many long hours I managed to create a rough plan about 2 pages long. I then sat with this plan and let it mellow in my mind while I poured over various concept art images across the internet. But this wasn't really helping me get more ideas for my story because they are images someone else has created with different feelings behind them and they're distilled real-life images. So I then looked at beautiful settings all over the world and created image-boards for the settings that would occur in my world:
After doing this I had so many more ideas for reaching the certain artifacts which I worked out to be the Gemstones of the Great 5 (5 Dragons that ruled the realm eons ago.) From this I created image boards of where the 5 gemstones would be found. I also used the map to plan out the various locations so that I could fit these stunning places in the world in:
Below is my location map for where the gemstones would reside:
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