Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Now we're at the character concepts and final designs stage. The image below shows, in a way, the process I used to create my characters. First I looked at concept art similar to the styles I want and then drew out body shapes familiarizing myself with the shape of how the character will look and with each drawing it became easier and slightly quicker each time. After this I then started drawing various poses and changed the clothes with each one and then I settled on a design that best portrayed how I want the characters to look. Below is some of the work done in order to get to the final stage. As extra help, to make sure I get the head right whichever way I turn it I also made a 3-d clay model, which when my camera works I'll put up a few images.

Character Development: Start to End

Body Shapes

Variation Poses and Costumes

Rose Pose

Clothes Variation

Final Rose

Final Rose: Poses

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