Friday, 6 November 2009

I'm happy, no...wait, i'm sad ... oh, oh, no happy!

And here we have the last installation of maya shorts before the epic. Hmm, well i think this was fairly epic when i was animating at the time. So the brief was to animate a character changing between two emotions. It could be sad to happy, excited to angry, fear to joy, the list is fairly endless to a point.

My initial idea was to (once again try and be epic), so i thought of a character waiting with excitement for the postman to pop a letter through the door. When he does the character will then run up to the letter, rip it open, start reading, and slowly becoming more and more sorrowful, until he falls back onto a chair feeling sorry for himself. Having thought in depth about this, i decided not to opt for these emotions for the final length and the amount of time needed would be too great seeing as we only have a week.

Instead i decided to keep the sad emotion and use surprise as well. I'd have the character walk along slowly and sadly and he'll suddenly jump and be surprised by a sound. Below is the finished product, which i think did turn out really well, but i do find that there is a problem with it which is when he turns his emotion into surprise, it doesn't really work without a sound there. So to keep in mind for next time, if i'm not using a sound i should put in anticipation, so here he'd move his head slightly with his eyes and then jump in surprise. Another thing is the walk at the beginning which does feel a little wooden.

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